Jasmine lives in Canada. Hiromi lives in the United States. How does Jasmine's health insurance MOST likely differ from Hiromi's?

• Jasmine is unable to have any health insurance
O Jasmine is paying a higher price for insurance.
Jasmine's is paid for by the government.
O Jasmine's is provided by private agencies

Jasmine's health insurance is most likely provided by the government in Canada, while Hiromi's health insurance in the United States is most likely provided by private agencies or employers.

Based on the given information, it is most likely that Jasmine's health insurance is provided by the government, while Hiromi's health insurance is provided by private agencies.

Jasmine's health insurance most likely differs from Hiromi's in that Jasmine's healthcare is likely provided by the government, while Hiromi's is likely provided by private agencies. The reason for this difference is that Canada has a publicly funded healthcare system, known as universal healthcare, where the government provides health insurance for its citizens. On the other hand, the United States does not have universal healthcare, and healthcare is primarily provided through private insurance companies.

To find this information, you can compare the healthcare systems of Canada and the United States. You can search for reliable sources that discuss the healthcare systems in both countries, such as government websites, healthcare providers, or reputable news articles. These sources will provide detailed information on how healthcare is provided in each country, including whether the system is publicly or privately funded.

Henry lives in the United States and works as a high school teacher. What is MOST likely TRUE about his health insurance coverage?

(1 point)

It is not available to him unless he declares bankruptcy.

It is not available to him unless he declares bankruptcy.

It is paid for with tax money that contributes to social services.

It is paid for with tax money that contributes to social services.

It is provided by his work through a private agency.

It is provided by his work through a private agency.

It is offered by his employer through a government agency.

It is offered by his employer through a government agency.
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