The soccer team wants to order new shirts. Terri’s T-shirts makes T-shirts for $7.50 per shirt. Find out more about the cost of T-shirts for the soccer team. Complete the table.

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To find out more about the cost of T-shirts for the soccer team, we need to complete a table with the relevant information. Since Terri's T-shirts charges $7.50 per shirt, we can use this information to calculate the cost for different quantities of shirts.

Here's an example table showing the cost of T-shirts for different quantities:

| Quantity of Shirts | Cost per Shirt | Total Cost |
| 10 | $7.50 | $75.00 |
| 20 | $7.50 | $150.00 |
| 30 | $7.50 | $225.00 |
| 40 | $7.50 | $300.00 |
| 50 | $7.50 | $375.00 |

To calculate the total cost, simply multiply the quantity of shirts by the cost per shirt.