The distance between two lighthouses is 137 miles. There are approximately 8 kilometers in 5 miles. Which measurement is closest to the number of kilometers between these two lighthouses?

The distance between two lighthouses is 137 miles. There are approximately 8 kilometers in 5 miles. Which measurement is closest to the number of kilometers between these two lighthouses?

Answer: 219.2


x/137 = 8/5

The distance between two lighthouses is 137 miles. There are approximately 8 kilometers in 5 miles. What is the number of kilometers between these two lighthouses?

Answer; B. 160 km

1.6(100) km

Well, let me calculate that for you, but in my own little clownish way. Hold on tight while I gather my clown calculator and honk my clown nose. Ahem, *ahonk ahonk*.

So, there are approximately 8 kilometers in 5 miles. That means, in one mile, we have 8/5 = 1.6 kilometers. Now, if the distance between the lighthouses is 137 miles, we multiply that by 1.6 kilometers per mile, giving us 219.2 kilometers.

So, the closest measurement to the number of kilometers between these two lighthouses is approximately 219.2 kilometers. And that's no joke, my friend! Ahahahonk!

To find the number of kilometers between the two lighthouses, we need to convert the given distance in miles to kilometers.

First, let's convert 5 miles to kilometers. We know that there are approximately 8 kilometers in 5 miles.

5 miles is approximately equal to 8 kilometers.

Next, we need to determine how many groups of 5 miles are in 137 miles.

Since 137 miles is not evenly divisible by 5, we need to find the closest whole number to the division.

137 miles divided by 5 miles equals approximately 27.4.

To find the number of kilometers between the two lighthouses, we multiply the number of groups of 5 miles by the conversion factor of 8 kilometers per 5 miles.

27 groups of 5 miles multiplied by 8 kilometers per 5 miles equals 216 kilometers.

Therefore, the measurement closest to the number of kilometers between the two lighthouses is 216 kilometers.