: Many American cars feature speedometers that show kilometers per hour. If you are required to drive 500 miles, and you know that one kilometer is approximately 5⁄8 of a mile, how many kilometers would you cover in that journey?

500 / 5/8 = 500 * 8/5 = ?

To find out the number of kilometers covered in a 500-mile journey, we need to convert miles to kilometers using the conversion factor provided that one kilometer is approximately 5/8 of a mile.

Step 1: Set up the conversion factor
One kilometer = 5/8 mile

Step 2: Convert miles to kilometers
To convert 500 miles to kilometers, we use the conversion factor:
500 miles * (1 kilometer / 5/8 mile)

Step 3: Simplify the conversion factor
To simplify the conversion factor, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 8:
500 miles * (8 kilometer / 5 mile)

Step 4: Cancel out the units
The miles unit cancels out, and we are left with kilometers:
= 500 * 8 / 5 kilometers

Step 5: Calculate the result
= 4,000 / 5 kilometers
= 800 kilometers

Therefore, you would cover approximately 800 kilometers in a 500-mile journey.

To find out how many kilometers you would cover in a 500-mile journey, you need to convert miles to kilometers using the given conversion rate.

1 mile is approximately 5/8 of a kilometer, or 0.625 kilometers.

So, to convert 500 miles to kilometers, you can use the following formula:

Kilometers = Miles x Conversion rate

Kilometers = 500 miles x 0.625 kilometers per mile

Kilometers = 312.5 kilometers

Therefore, you would cover approximately 312.5 kilometers in a 500-mile journey.