A mixture is...

A) a pure substance

B) at least two substances chemically combined

C) at least two substances physically combined

If you will Google mixture vs compound you will find the answer.

C) at least two substances physically combined

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

A) A pure substance: A pure substance is composed of only one type of particle, either atoms or molecules. It is not a mixture, as it does not have multiple substances combined. Examples of pure substances include elements like gold (composed of only gold atoms) and compounds like water (composed of only water molecules).

B) At least two substances chemically combined: This option refers to a chemical compound. A compound is formed when two or more elements react with each other and chemically combine to form a new substance. The new substance has distinct properties that are different from the original elements. An example is table salt (sodium chloride), which is formed by the chemical combination of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) atoms.

C) At least two substances physically combined: This option accurately describes a mixture. A mixture is formed when two or more substances are physically combined and can be separated by physical processes. The substances in a mixture retain their individual properties and can be present in varying amounts. Examples of mixtures include saltwater (a mixture of salt and water), air (a mixture of various gases), and cereal (a mixture of different grains).

Given these explanations, it is clear that the correct answer is C) at least two substances physically combined for a definition of a mixture.