A mixture is...

1 point
a pure substance
at least two substances chemically combined
at least two substances physically combined


A mixture is a combination of at least two substances that are physically combined. In a mixture, the substances are not chemically bonded together, which means they can be separated by physical means. This is different from a pure substance, which consists of only one type of atom or molecule.

To determine if a given sample is a mixture, you can follow a simple procedure. First, observe the sample and check if it contains more than one type of substance. If you can visually identify different components, such as different colors, textures, or states (solid, liquid, gas), then it is likely a mixture.

Next, you can perform a physical test to confirm whether the substances in the sample can be separated. One common method is to use filtration, where the mixture is poured through a filter to separate solid particles from a liquid. If the substances can be separated using physical methods like filtration, distillation, or evaporation, then it supports the conclusion that it is a mixture.

A mixture is a combination of at least two substances physically combined.