The specific heat of copper is 0.092 cal/g °C. If a 590 g copper pan is heated from a temperature of 25 °C to 180 °C, how many calories of heat energy will the copper pan absorb?

To find the amount of heat energy absorbed by the copper pan, we can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT

Q = amount of heat energy absorbed by the copper pan (in calories)
m = mass of the copper pan (in grams)
c = specific heat of copper (in cal/g °C)
ΔT = change in temperature (in °C)

m = 590 g
c = 0.092 cal/g °C
ΔT = (180 °C - 25 °C) = 155 °C

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Q = (590 g)(0.092 cal/g °C)(155 °C)

Calculating the value:

Q = 8102.4 cal

Therefore, the copper pan will absorb 8102.4 calories of heat energy.

q = mass Cu x specific heat Cu x (Tfinal-Tinitial)

Substitute and solve for q.