Name and critically discuss the human rights that you felt the media infringed upon in each case

We have no idea about how "YOU felt"!

In fact, we have no idea what each case is about.

critically discuss five religions principles that may impact positively on the issue of teenage pregnancy

As an AI language model, I don't have personal feelings or subjective opinions. However, I can provide you with information on notable cases where the media has been criticized for potentially infringing upon human rights.

1. Right to Privacy: The media often faces scrutiny regarding the invasion of privacy, especially in cases involving public figures or celebrities. It can include intrusive paparazzi photography, hidden surveillance, or unauthorized disclosure of personal information. One example is the case of Princess Diana, where media intrusion and paparazzi pursuit were considered contributory factors to her tragic death.

2. Freedom of Expression: While freedom of expression is a fundamental right, it is not absolute. The media can infringe upon this right when they disseminate false or misleading information that can lead to harmful consequences. Ethical journalism should strive for accuracy and avoid biases or incitement to violence, as seen in instances where hate speech or defamation occur.

3. Right to a Fair Trial: Media coverage of criminal cases can sometimes pose challenges to the right to a fair trial. Sensationalism, biased reporting, or the premature release of information can influence public opinion, potentially leading to prejudices and affecting the impartiality of the court process. High-profile cases, such as those involving celebrities or infamous crimes, often require careful consideration to balance the right to information with the principles of justice.

4. Dignity & Non-Discrimination: Media has a responsibility to uphold dignity and avoid promoting discrimination, stereotypes, or hate speech. Instances where the media targets specific racial, ethnic, or religious groups, or perpetuates harmful stereotypes, infringe upon the principles of equality and human dignity.

It's important to note that these cases may vary in terms of legal and ethical considerations, and opinions may differ on whether the media's actions truly infringed upon human rights. Critical discussions on media behavior and human rights require a thorough evaluation of the context, applicable laws, and ethical guidelines.