1.) After the Plessy v. Ferguson case, Southern states were allowed to pass laws that _____________________ against African Americans. (Lesson 2)2.) The Freedmen’s Bureau started colleges to help which group of people get an education? (Lesson 6)a.) Womenb.) African American adultsc.) White malesd.) Children 3.) What was the purpose of the 15th Amendment (Lesson 2)___________________________________________________________________________4.) Carpetbaggers were people from the ________ (region) who participated in the politics in the __________ (region). (Lesson 10; Lesson 16)5.) All male citizens were given the right to vote from the _____ Amendment. (Lesson 2)6.) The South Carolina Constitution of 1868 created a system of free _________for all races (Lesson 12). a.) homes b.) public schools c.) farms d.) healthcare

1.) After the Plessy v. Ferguson case, Southern states were allowed to pass laws that legalized racial segregation against African Americans. This was known as "Jim Crow" laws.

To get this answer, you can conduct a search on the Plessy v. Ferguson case and understand its significance in American history. Then, research the subsequent laws passed by Southern states to enforce racial segregation.

2.) The Freedmen's Bureau started colleges to help African American adults get an education.

To find this answer, you can research the purpose and activities of the Freedmen's Bureau during the Reconstruction era. Look for information about the educational efforts and initiatives undertaken by the Bureau, specifically focusing on the target group of people it aimed to help.

3.) The purpose of the 15th Amendment was to grant African American men the right to vote.

To find this answer, you can research the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Understand the historical context in which it was passed and the goal of the amendment in expanding voting rights to a specific group of people.

4.) Carpetbaggers were people from the North (region) who participated in the politics in the South (region).

To find this answer, you can research the term "carpetbaggers" and its historical context during the Reconstruction era. Understand the migration of people from the North to the South and their involvement in Southern politics.

5.) The right to vote for all male citizens was granted by the 15th Amendment.

To find this answer, you can research the 15th Amendment and its impact on voting rights. Understand its significance in granting voting rights to male citizens, regardless of their race or color.

6.) The South Carolina Constitution of 1868 created a system of free public schools for all races.

To find this answer, you can research the South Carolina Constitution of 1868 and its provisions related to education. Look specifically for information on the creation of free public schools and their accessibility to all racial groups.