[Please please please help fast] Lesson 1 review

Define alcohol

What is alcohol abuse

What are some short term effects of alcohol on the body

Explain how being addicted to alcohol can be harmful for your health

Why is it risky for a pregnant female to drink alcohol

To define alcohol, you can refer to various sources such as textbooks, dictionaries, or trusted websites. These resources will provide a comprehensive explanation of what alcohol is, including its chemical composition, uses, and effects.

For the definition of alcohol abuse, you can start by searching for reputable sources related to alcoholism and substance abuse. Look for reliable websites, health organizations, or professional publications. These sources will give you a clear understanding of what alcohol abuse entails, its symptoms, and the potential consequences.

To identify the short-term effects of alcohol on the body, you can rely on scientific research, medical journals, or government websites that provide information on substance abuse. These sources will outline the immediate impacts of alcohol consumption, such as impaired coordination, poor judgment, slurred speech, and altered mood.

When explaining how being addicted to alcohol can be harmful to health, it is essential to consult reputable medical websites, studies on alcohol addiction, and addiction treatment resources. These sources will elaborate on the detrimental effects of long-term alcohol addiction, such as liver disease, cardiovascular problems, mental health issues, and social repercussions.

Regarding the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, you can refer to reliable sources like medical organizations, government health departments, and trusted pregnancy-related websites. These sources will explain why it is risky for pregnant females to drink alcohol, highlighting the potential harm to the developing fetus, including the increased risk of fetal alcohol syndrome and other birth defects.

By using these recommended sources, you can provide accurate information and explanations for Lesson 1 review questions on alcohol, alcohol abuse, short-term effects, addiction, and the risks during pregnancy.