here are the answers for Connexus kids

alcohol abuse can cause scarring of the liver, which is called?

a person who has a phisical craving or strong emotional need to use alcohol is showing signs of?
an alcoholic who has symptoms of shakiness, irritability, rapid heart beat, and sweating is showing signs of?

i just took the quick check and got them all correct

***withdrawal symptoms***

That's great! Congratulations on getting all the answers correct on the quick check. Keep up the good work!

To find the answers to these questions, it seems that you provided the correct answers already. However, let's go through the process of finding these answers step by step:

1. The question asks, "Alcohol abuse can cause scarring of the liver, which is called?" The correct answer is cirrhosis. This information can be found by researching the effects of alcohol abuse on the liver.

2. The question asks, "A person who has a physical craving or strong emotional need to use alcohol is showing signs of?" The correct answer is addiction. This can be determined by understanding the characteristics of addiction, which may include cravings and emotional dependence on a substance.

3. The question states, "An alcoholic who has symptoms of shakiness, irritability, rapid heartbeat, and sweating is showing signs of?" The correct answer is withdrawal. These symptoms often occur when someone who is dependent on alcohol suddenly stops or reduces their alcohol consumption.

In summary, the answers to the provided questions are cirrhosis, addiction, and withdrawal. To find these answers, one can research the effects of alcohol abuse on the liver, the signs of addiction, and the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.