Please help, i gotta get this done really soon :(( heres the question: Christian’s mom works at the concession stand during sporting events. She told him they buy candy bars for $0.75 each and mark them up 40% to sell at the concession stand. What is the amount of the markup? How much does the concession stand charge for each candy bar?

0.40 * 75 = 30

75 + 30 = ___

Thank you for helping me :))

To find the amount of the markup, you need to calculate 40% of the cost of the candy bar.

Step 1: Find the markup amount
Markup amount = 40% of the cost of each candy bar
Markup amount = 40% * $0.75

To calculate the 40% of $0.75, we can multiply the decimal form of 40% by $0.75.

Step 2: Convert the percentage to decimal
40% = 40/100 = 0.4

Step 3: Calculate the markup amount
Markup amount = 0.4 * $0.75

Now, let's find out the concession stand's selling price for each candy bar.

Step 4: Calculate the selling price
Selling price = Cost price + Markup amount
Selling price = $0.75 + Markup amount

To get the final answer, we need to substitute the value of the markup amount into the equation.

Step 5: Substitute the markup amount
Selling price = $0.75 + (0.4 * $0.75)

Now we will calculate the selling price value.

Step 6: Calculate the selling price
Selling price = $0.75 + ($0.3)

This will give us the final answer for the amount of the markup and the selling price.