If the time at Town A long75W is 5:00m on Friday what will be the time and day at town B long12E? Show your woning clearly

To determine the time and day at Town B, located at longitude 12E, we need to calculate the time difference between Town A's longitude of 75W and Town B.

Step 1: Determine the time difference between two adjacent longitudes
Since the Earth completes one full rotation in 24 hours and has a circumference of 360 degrees, we can calculate the time difference between each degree of longitude.

Time difference per degree of longitude = 24 hours / 360 degrees
Time difference per degree of longitude = 4 minutes

Step 2: Calculate the time difference between the longitudes of Town A and Town B
To calculate the time difference between two longitudes, we need to subtract the longitude of Town B (12E) from the longitude of Town A (75W).

Longitude difference = LongA - LongB
Longitude difference = 75W - 12E

Since we are comparing longitudes, we need to convert the West longitude ("W") to East longitude by adding 360 degrees.

Longitude difference = (75 + 360) - 12
Longitude difference = 435 - 12
Longitude difference = 423 degrees

Step 3: Convert the longitude difference to time difference
Now, we can calculate the time difference by multiplying the longitude difference by the time difference per degree of longitude.

Time difference = Longitude difference x Time difference per degree of longitude
Time difference = 423 degrees x 4 minutes/degree
Time difference = 1692 minutes

Step 4: Apply the time difference to the initial time at Town A
Since the time at Town A is given as 5:00 PM on Friday, we need to add the time difference calculated in Step 3 to determine the time and day at Town B.

Time at Town B = Time at Town A + Time difference
Time at Town B = 5:00 PM + 1692 minutes

To determine the final time at Town B, we need to account for the excess minutes beyond 60.

1692 minutes = 28 hours and 12 minutes (since there are 60 minutes in an hour)

Adding 28 hours to 5:00 PM:
5:00 PM + 28 hours = 9:00 PM

So, the time at Town B, located at longitude 12E, would be 9:00 PM.

To determine the day at Town B, we need to consider that the Earth rotates one full time in 24 hours. It means that after 24 hours, there is a new day.

Since the time difference is 28 hours, it indicates that one full day has passed. Therefore, if Town A is 5:00 PM on Friday, the time and day at Town B, located at longitude 12E, would be 9:00 PM on Saturday.