A watch, which loses a half-minute every hour, was set to read the correct time at 0545h on Monday. Determine the time, in the 12-hour systems, the watch will show on the following Friday at 1945h.

i did get the answer

5:26 pm since it is the follwing friday

your welcome

To determine the time that the watch will show on the following Friday at 1945h, we need to consider the time that has passed since Monday 0545h, taking into account that the watch loses half a minute every hour.

Here's how we can calculate the time:

1. Calculate the number of minutes passed between Monday 0545h and Friday 1945h:
- Monday 0545h to Monday 2359h: 24 hours - 5 hours 45 minutes = 18 hours 15 minutes
- Tuesday 0000h to Thursday 2359h: 3 days * 24 hours = 72 hours
- Friday 0000h to Friday 1945h: 19 hours 45 minutes
- Total: 18 hours 15 minutes + 72 hours + 19 hours 45 minutes = 110 hours

2. Convert the hours to minutes: 110 hours * 60 minutes = 6,600 minutes

3. Subtract the minutes lost by the watch: 6,600 minutes - (110 hours * 0.5 minutes) = 6,600 minutes - 55 minutes = 6,545 minutes

4. Add the calculated minutes to the original time of Monday 0545h:
- Monday 0545h + 6,545 minutes = Friday [Time]

5. Convert the 24-hour system time to the 12-hour system time and determine AM or PM:
- If Friday [Time] is equal to or less than 1200h, it remains the same and is in the morning (AM).
- If Friday [Time] is more than 1200h, subtract 1200 to convert it to the 12-hour system and determine if it is in the afternoon (PM).

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the time the watch will show on the following Friday at 1945h in the 12-hour system.

how many hours in the time span?

It will lose half that many minutes, so just subtract that from 19:45
and convert to 12-hour clock, rather than 24-hour.

6:50 pm