Marissa bought 4 apples for a total of $2.00 along with 6 oranges. She spent a total of $5.00. Find the price of each orange.

of course it isn’t 1/2 thanks a lot I’m going to use brainly instead and I hate my teacher

All of you guys say it’s 1/2

$5 - $2 = $? for 6 oranges

Divide $? by 6

Let's solve this step by step:

Step 1: Determine the total cost of the apples.
Marissa bought 4 apples for a total of $2.00, so each apple cost $2.00/4 = $0.50.

Step 2: Determine the total cost of all the fruits.
Marissa spent a total of $5.00, and the cost of the apples is $2.00. Therefore, the cost of the oranges is $5.00 - $2.00 = $3.00.

Step 3: Calculate the price of each orange.
Marissa bought 6 oranges, and the total cost of the oranges is $3.00. Therefore, the price of each orange is $3.00/6 = $0.50.

Thus, the price of each orange is $0.50.

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Let's break down the given information:
- Marissa bought 4 apples for a total of $2.00.
- In addition to the apples, she bought 6 oranges.
- Marissa spent a total of $5.00.

To find the price of each orange, we can start by determining the price of the apples. Since Marissa bought 4 apples for $2.00, we can divide the total cost by the number of apples:

Cost of apples = $2.00 / 4 = $0.50 per apple

Next, we need to find the total cost of the oranges. We know that the total cost of both the apples and the oranges is $5.00, and we've already determined the cost of the apples. Therefore, we can subtract the cost of the apples from the total cost to find the cost of the oranges:

Cost of oranges = Total cost - Cost of apples
= $5.00 - $2.00
= $3.00

Since Marissa bought 6 oranges, we can now divide the total cost of the oranges by the number of oranges to find the price of each orange:

Price of each orange = Cost of oranges / Number of oranges
= $3.00 / 6
= $0.50 per orange

Therefore, the price of each orange is $0.50.