A visually stunning representation of a mathematics problem involving purchasing fruits. There is a woman, Vicky, who is Caucasian with red hair, standing at a traditional fruit market. She has selected 3 1/2 pounds of juicy, orange-colored oranges lying in a rustic wooden crate. Next to the crate is a chalkboard sign with $3.90 per pound written on it. Different equations are subtly incorporated into the scene, like the price per pound on the chalkboard turning into an equation, but there is no written-out text in the image. The atmosphere is lively and busy with other customers from different ethnic backgrounds moving and shopping around.

Vicky bought 3 1/2 pounds of oranges. Each pound costs $3.90. Which of the following equations represents the total cost, c , Vicky paid for the oranges and the amount of money she spent?(1 point) Responses 3.90c=3.5; Vicky paid $0.90. 3.90 equals 3.5 ; Vicky paid $0.90. c/3.5=3.90; Vicky paid $13.65. Start Fraction c over 3.5 End Fraction equals 3.90 ; Vicky paid $13.65. 3.90/3.5=c; Vicky paid $13.65. Start Fraction 3.90 over 3.5 End Fraction equals c ; Vicky paid $13.65. c/3.90=3.5; Vicky paid $1.11.


1: 1/2a=13
2: H/14=3.5
3: c/3.5=3.90 Vicky paid $13.65
4: 2n=120 there were 60 bacteria at 8:00am
5; 2/5r=80; 200 residents were surveyed
I got a 4/5 but these answers are a 5/5 these answers are for Connections Academy, Your welcome.

The correct equation that represents the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges is:

Start Fraction 3.90 over 3.5 End Fraction equals c ; Vicky paid $13.65.

The correct equation that represents the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges and the amount of money she spent is:

Start Fraction c over 3.5 End Fraction equals 3.90 ; Vicky paid $13.65.

To find the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges, we need to multiply the weight of the oranges (3 1/2 pounds) by the cost per pound ($3.90).

First, let's convert the mixed number 3 1/2 into an improper fraction. The improper fraction equivalent of 3 1/2 is (3 * 2 + 1)/2 = 7/2.

Next, we can multiply the weight (7/2) by the cost per pound ($3.90):

c = (7/2) * $3.90

To simplify this expression, we can multiply the numerator (7) by the cost per pound ($3.90) and keep the denominator (2) the same:

c = (7 * $3.90)/2

Now, let's calculate this expression:

c = $27.30/2
c = $13.65

So, the total cost, c, that Vicky paid for the oranges is $13.65.

Therefore, the correct equation is:

Start Fraction c over 3.5 End Fraction equals 3.90 ; Vicky paid $13.65.

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