Ricky bought three and a half pounds of oranges each power costs $3.90 what's your volume equations represent the total cost C Vicky paid for the oranges in the amount of money she spent

The volume equations that represent the total cost C that Ricky paid for the oranges in the amount of money she spent can be written as:

C = 3.90 * 3.5

To determine the total cost, we need to multiply the weight of the oranges by the cost per pound. Since Ricky bought three and a half pounds of oranges, the volume equation representing the total cost (C) can be expressed as:

C = 3.90 * 3.5

To get the total cost, we simply multiply the cost per pound ($3.90) by the weight of the oranges (3.5 pounds).

The volume equation that represents the total cost C Vicky paid for the oranges can be written as:

C = P * V

C represents the total cost Vicky paid for the oranges,
P represents the cost per pound of oranges, and
V represents the total weight in pounds of the oranges Vicky bought.

In this case, Vicky bought three and a half pounds of oranges, which is equivalent to 3.5 pounds. And, each pound of oranges costs $3.90. Therefore, the equation becomes:

C = $3.90 * 3.5

Now we can calculate the total cost:

C = $13.65.