1. Use the information for a Zork’s traits to write the phenotype (physical appearance) for each item.

a) TT _______________ b) Ll ________________
c) ee __________________ d) Ee __________________

No information for Zork's traits.

a) TT: The phenotype for TT would be tall or having a tall physical appearance.

b) Ll: The phenotype for Ll would be medium height or having an average height physical appearance.
c) ee: The phenotype for ee would be small or having a short physical appearance.
d) Ee: The phenotype for Ee would be tall or having a tall physical appearance.

To determine the phenotype (physical appearance) for each item based on the provided information about Zork's traits, we need to understand the concept of dominant and recessive alleles.

A capital letter represents a dominant allele, while a lowercase letter represents a recessive allele.

Let's break down each item:

a) TT: In this case, both alleles are represented by capital T's. Since capital T represents a dominant allele, the phenotype for TT would be tall.

b) Ll: In this case, one allele is represented by a capital L, which is a dominant allele, and the other allele is represented by a lowercase l, which is a recessive allele. When a dominant allele is present, it determines the phenotype. Therefore, the phenotype for Ll would be the same as the dominant allele, which is tall.

c) ee: In this case, both alleles are represented by lowercase e's, which are both recessive alleles. Since both alleles are recessive, the phenotype for ee would be short.

d) Ee: In this case, one allele is represented by a capital E, which is a dominant allele, and the other allele is represented by a lowercase e, which is a recessive allele. When a dominant allele is present, it determines the phenotype. Therefore, the phenotype for Ee would be the same as the dominant allele, which is tall.

So, to summarize:
a) TT: Tall
b) Ll: Tall
c) ee: Short
d) Ee: Tall