Which sentence provides information about a character's physical appearance?

To find a sentence that provides information about a character's physical appearance, we need to analyze the text or story that contains the character. Look for descriptive details that describe how the character looks visually. Some common physical appearance traits to look out for include height, hair color and length, eye color, skin complexion, facial features, and body shape or build. Once you find a sentence that describes one or more of these details, you will have the sentence that provides information about the character's physical appearance.

To answer this question, we need to look for a sentence that specifically describes or provides details about a character's physical appearance. Here are a few examples that might fit this criterion:

1. "Her eyes were bright blue, like the ocean on a sunny day."
2. "He was tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular build."
3. "The girl had long, flowing brown hair that reached her waist."
4. "His face was covered in freckles, giving him a youthful appearance."

Each of these sentences offers information about the character's physical attributes, such as the color of their eyes, their height and build, their hair length or color, or specific facial features.