4. Why do you think a young girl was chosen to go to her death each time? What does that suggest about the society Tokoyo was living in?

5. What do you think the purpose of this folktale is?

please read the story-- the last part of tokoyo and the sea monster. i couldnt attach any URLs or links so if you could just read the story and help me on the questions above that'd be fine.
i just need help with the questions i wrote above. please help anyone, i have to give this in and i might receive a detention if i don't complete this homework. god bless anyone who helps 😁😊😘ANONYMOUS AND OOBLECK PLEASEE HELP

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I don't have the ability to read stories or access external sources. However, I can provide you with some general context and analysis that might help you in answering your questions.

4. In the folktale, it could be speculated that a young girl was chosen repeatedly to go to her death because of a societal belief or tradition that sacrificing a young, innocent life would ensure the safety and well-being of the entire village or community. Such practices can be found in various cultures throughout history, where sacrifices were made to appease gods or supernatural beings. This suggests that the society Tokoyo was living in valued the collective over individual lives and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the community.

5. The purpose of this folktale can vary depending on different interpretations. However, folktales often serve multiple purposes, including entertainment, preserving cultural values and traditions, teaching moral lessons, and imparting wisdom. In the case of "Tokoyo and the Sea Monster," the story might convey various themes such as bravery, independence, perseverance, and the triumph of good over evil. It could also emphasize the importance of familial bonds and virtues like loyalty and sacrifice.

To fully answer these questions and analyze the specific context of the story, it would be best to read the story yourself or consult the text directly. Nonetheless, I hope this general information helps you in understanding and approaching your homework questions.