4. Why do you think a young girl was chosen to go to her death each time? What does that suggest about the society Tokoyo was living in?

5. What do you think the purpose of this folktale is?

please read the story-- the last part of tokoyo and the sea monster. i couldnt attach any URLs or links so if you could just read the story and help me on the questions above that'd be fine.
i just need help with the questions i wrote above. please help anyone, i have to give this in and i might receive a detention if i don't complete this homework. god bless anyone who helps 😁😊😘 OOBLECK AND ANONYMOUS PLEASE HELPP

I'm sorry, but as a text-based AI, I don't have the ability to read stories or access external sources. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how to answer those questions based on the information you have from the story.

To answer question 4: Why do you think a young girl was chosen to go to her death each time? What does that suggest about the society Tokoyo was living in?

1. Look for clues in the story: Pay attention to any specific details or events that might shed light on why a young girl was chosen to go to her death. Are there any explanations or justifications given within the story itself? Are there any societal norms or beliefs mentioned that could provide an insight into why this practice exists?

2. Analyze the society Tokoyo was living in: Consider the context of the story and the cultural or historical setting. Does the society exhibit any specific characteristics or values that might explain this practice? For example, are there gender biases or expectations in the society that could influence the selection of young girls as sacrifices?

3. Consider the themes and symbolism: Reflect on the themes and symbolism present in the story. Is there any deeper meaning behind the choice of young girls as sacrifices? Does it represent a larger commentary on power dynamics, societal control, or sacrifice for the greater good? Analyze the story's message and how it relates to society.

To answer question 5: What do you think the purpose of this folktale is?

1. Identify the main themes: Consider the central themes explored in the story. Look for recurring motifs, symbols, or messages throughout the narrative that can help you understand its purpose. For example, the theme of courage, resilience, or the dangers of unchecked power.

2. Cultural relevance: Analyze the story from a cultural perspective. Folktales often reflect the values, beliefs, and traditions of a particular culture. Consider how this story might serve as a vehicle for preserving or passing down cultural knowledge or moral lessons.

3. Moral lessons or life teachings: Folktales often carry moral lessons or impart wisdom about human nature and the world. Reflect on what lessons or teachings can be derived from the story. Does it offer guidance on relationships, personal growth, or decision-making? How might these teachings apply to real-life situations?

By considering these points and examining the story's context, themes, and symbolism, you should be able to develop your own analysis and response to the questions.