The Earth's soils and minerals are changed by weathering. Which of the following is NOT a form of weathering?

I don't see any of the choices

To determine which of the following is NOT a form of weathering, we need to understand what weathering entails. Weathering refers to the process of breaking down rocks, soils, and minerals into smaller particles or altering their chemical composition. There are two main types of weathering: mechanical (physical) weathering and chemical weathering.

Mechanical weathering involves physical processes that break rocks into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition. This includes processes like frost action (freeze-thaw cycles), abrasion (from wind or water), and exfoliation (peeling of layers due to pressure release).

Chemical weathering, on the other hand, involves the alteration of rocks and minerals through chemical reactions. This can occur due to processes such as hydration (absorption of water), oxidation (reaction with oxygen), dissolution (dissolving in water), and carbonation (reaction with carbon dioxide).

Now, let's evaluate the options to identify which one is NOT a form of weathering:

a) Hydration: This is a type of chemical weathering that involves the reaction of minerals with water. It causes minerals to expand and may lead to the disintegration of rocks.

b) Erosion: Although erosion is often associated with weathering, it is not a form of weathering itself. Erosion refers to the transportation of weathered material (such as rocks, soil, or sediments) by agents such as water, wind, or ice.

c) Oxidation: This is another form of chemical weathering that involves the reaction of minerals with oxygen. It leads to the rusting or color change of certain minerals.

d) Abrasion: This is a form of mechanical weathering that occurs when rocks and sediments are physically worn down by processes like wind, water, or ice, resulting in their fragmentation.

Based on the explanations above, it is clear that erosion (option b) is NOT a form of weathering. Erosion is the transportation of already weathered material rather than the process of weathering itself.

The Earth's soils and minerals are changed by weathering. Which of the following is NOT a form of weathering?