Which sentence from "The treasure of Lemon Brown" contains direct characterization?

a. His fathers words, like the distant thunder that now echoed through the streets of Harlem, still rumbled softly in his ears.
b. His father had been a postal worker for all Greg's life, and was proud of it, often telling Greg how hard he had worked to pass the test.
c. He sat a while, watching the sign blink first green then red, allowing his mind to drift to the Scorpions, then to his father.
d. He tried to figure out just where the breathing was coming from; he knew it was in the room with him
I think its either b or c, can anyone help?

To identify the sentence containing direct characterization in the story "The Treasure of Lemon Brown," let's first understand what direct characterization means. Direct characterization refers to explicit descriptions or statements about a character's personality, appearance, or traits that are directly stated by the author.

Now, let's analyze the sentences:

a. "His father's words, like the distant thunder that now echoed through the streets of Harlem, still rumbled softly in his ears."
This sentence uses a simile to describe the effect of the father's words on the character but does not directly characterize anyone.

b. "His father had been a postal worker for all Greg's life, and was proud of it, often telling Greg how hard he had worked to pass the test."
This sentence directly characterizes the father as someone who worked hard to become a postal worker and takes pride in his occupation. This sentence contains direct characterization.

c. "He sat a while, watching the sign blink first green then red, allowing his mind to drift to the Scorpions, then to his father."
This sentence does not directly characterize anyone but rather describes the character's thoughts and actions.

d. "He tried to figure out just where the breathing was coming from; he knew it was in the room with him."
This sentence focuses on the character's actions and perceptions but does not provide direct characterization.

Therefore, sentence b. "His father had been a postal worker for all Greg's life, and was proud of it, often telling Greg how hard he had worked to pass the test." contains direct characterization.