
Multiple Choice
In “A Sound of Thunder,” Travis’s dialogue with Lesperance reveals how upset he is about Eckels’ having left the path. This is an example of
(1 point)
direct characterization.
indirect characterization.

indirect characterization.


Which word below is the BEST synonym for subliminal?
(1 point)



Which sentence below uses commas CORRECTLY?
(1 point)
The safari was expensive, dangerous and exciting.
The travelers saw pterodactyls, bats, and a Tyrannosaurus rex.
The beautiful green, and gold, butterfly was dead.

The travelers saw pterodactyls, bats, and a Tyrannosaurus rex.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the difference between direct and indirect characterization.

Direct characterization is when an author explicitly tells the reader about a character's traits or qualities. It often involves direct statements or descriptions by the author about the character's personality, appearance, or behavior.

Indirect characterization is when an author reveals a character's traits through their actions, thoughts, speech, appearance, or through other characters' observations or reactions to them. It requires the reader to infer the character's qualities based on these indirect clues.

In the given question, we are asked to identify if Travis’s dialogue with Lesperance in "A Sound of Thunder" reveals how upset he is about Eckels' departure from the designated path. To find the answer, we need to analyze the text to see if the author explicitly states Travis's emotions, or if we have to infer his feelings based on his dialogue with Lesperance.

By analyzing the dialogue between Travis and Lesperance, we can conclude that Travis's upset about Eckels' action is not directly stated by the author. Instead, it is left for the reader to infer based on Travis's dialogue. This suggests that the answer is indirect characterization, as the reader needs to draw conclusions about Travis's emotions from his dialogue rather than having the author state them explicitly.

Therefore, the correct answer is (b) indirect characterization.