Laurice and her parents went to a local grocery one afternoon to buy food for the stormy week ahead. Laurice and her parents were fond of having cheese in their meals so they bought one big block of cheese. If 1 of the 6 slices of the block of cheese will be used for lasagna and the remaining slices will be used for pizza, what portion of the block of cheese will be used for lasagna and what fraction for pizza?

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To find out what portion of the block of cheese will be used for lasagna and what fraction will be used for pizza, you need to do some calculations.

Let's start with the information provided:
- There is one big block of cheese.
- The block has 6 slices in total.
- 1 slice will be used for lasagna.

To find the portion used for lasagna, divide the number of slices used for lasagna (1) by the total number of slices (6):
Portion used for lasagna = 1/6

To find the fraction used for pizza, subtract the portion used for lasagna from 1:
Fraction used for pizza = 1 - 1/6 = 5/6

Therefore, 1/6 of the block of cheese will be used for lasagna, while 5/6 will be used for pizza.

If the block only has 6 slices, 1/6 for lasagna and 5/6 for pizza.