Illustration of four separate scenes in a quadrant style: On the top left, depict a few hermit crabs with various colored shells scrambling and clambering over each other on a sandy beach. On the top right, design a savannah landscape at twilight with several predators like lions, cheetahs, of different genders and descents engaged in a chase after a herd of antelope. On the bottom left, show a vibrant coral reef with different types of fish of varying genders and descents vying for shelter. On the bottom right, portray a dense forest of tall trees reaching high towards a bright sun to symbolize competition for sunlight.

Which scenario is the best example of competition between individuals of the same species?(1 point)

Hermit crabs compete for shells to live in.

Savannah predators compete to consume antelope.

Fish compete for shelter in a coral reef.

Trees in a forest compete for sunlight.

please help

1. Hermit crabs compete for shells to live in

2. Some are better adapted
3. Drought
4. They have no predators, so they can spread rapidly
100% right trust me

@Here is correct I got 100%. Thanks @Here!

1. Hermit crabs compete for shells to live in

2. Some are better adapted
3. Drought
4. They have no predators, so they can spread rapidly
these are here's answers so u can trust me or not but here, also tysm @HERE :)))))


thanks 100%

thank you soo much here

here is right.

Wouldn't the correct answer by a?

The secret phrase in this question is "of the same species"
a. herbit crabs are the same species.
b. There are a number of different kinds of predators in that region.
c. different kinds of fish
d. different kinds of trees.

Yeah @Here is right

Here is still correct as of January 2023! :DD Thanks a lot mate :]