Sam traveled 3/4 of a journey by bus. He jogged 1/2 of the remaining distance and walked the rest of the way. If he walked 800 feet, what was the total distance he traveled?

bus: 3/4

jog: 1/2 * 1/4 = 1/8
That leaves 1 - 3/4 - 1/8 = 1/8 to walk
so, 1/8 x = 800
x = 6400 ft

hi, i posted this question a few months ago and i found an easier way to solve

3/4 by bus, jogged 1/2 remaining = 4/4 - 3/4 = 1/4
1/4 * 1/2 = 1/8 distance walked
800 ft * 8 = 6400 ft

Thank you I needed that too

Let's break down the information given step-by-step:

Step 1: Sam traveled 3/4 of the journey by bus.
Step 2: There is 1/4 of the journey remaining after the bus journey.
Step 3: Sam jogged half (1/2) of the remaining distance.
Step 4: Therefore, Sam jogged 1/2 * 1/4 = 1/8 of the total distance.
Step 5: The distance Sam walked is the remaining distance after jogging 1/8 of the total distance.
Step 6: We are given that Sam walked 800 feet.
Step 7: So, the distance Sam walked is equal to 1/8 of the total distance, which is 800 feet.
Step 8: Therefore, the total distance is 800 feet / (1/8) = 800 feet * 8 = 6400 feet.

Therefore, the total distance Sam traveled is 6400 feet.

To find the total distance Sam traveled, we need to add up the distances traveled by bus, jog, and walk.

Step 1: Calculate the distance traveled by bus.
We are given that Sam traveled 3/4 of the journey by bus. Let's assume the total distance of the journey is 'x'.
Distance traveled by bus = (3/4) * x

Step 2: Calculate the remaining distance after the bus journey.
The remaining distance after the bus journey will be (1 - 3/4) of the total distance.
Remaining distance = x - (3/4) * x

Step 3: Calculate the distance jogged by Sam.
We are given that Sam jogged 1/2 of the remaining distance.
Distance jogged = (1/2) * (x - (3/4) * x)

Step 4: Calculate the distance walked by Sam.
We are given that Sam walked 800 feet.
Distance walked = 800 feet

Step 5: Calculate the total distance traveled by Sam.
Total distance = Distance by bus + Distance jogged + Distance walked
Total distance = (3/4) * x + (1/2) * (x - (3/4) * x) + 800

Now, we can solve this equation to find the total distance traveled by Sam.