chapter 10 lord of the flies

1. What is troubling Ralph and Piggy at the start of this chapter?

2. What was Samneric's explanation for the previous night and why did they say that?

3. What defenses has Jack set up at Castle Rock?

4. Do you think that Jack is using "the beast" to maintain power or that is sincerely being fooled? Explain with evidence.

5. What happens to Wilfred? Why?

6. What is the "curtain" in Ralph's mind and what does it imply?

7. After lighting the fire, Ralph believes he hears the beast. What is it really?

8. What does the tribe of savages steal from Ralph's tribe?

9. Who were Ralph and Eric really fighting?

10. What is Piggy;s explanation of Simon's death and why does he say that?

To find the answers to the questions about Chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies, you can refer to the text and follow these steps:

1. Refer to the beginning of Chapter 10 to find what is troubling Ralph and Piggy at the start of the chapter. Pay attention to their thoughts and dialogues.

2. Look for a section where Samneric explain what happened the previous night. Pay attention to their dialogue and any details they provide to understand why they say what they do.

3. Find descriptions and mentions of any defenses that Jack has set up at Castle Rock. Look for sentences or paragraphs that describe these defenses.

4. Consider Jack's actions, motivations, and statements throughout the story. Look for evidence in the text that shows whether he is using "the beast" to maintain power or if he is genuinely fooled by it.

5. Locate the section where Wilfred's fate is mentioned. Pay attention to the events that led to it and the reasons given for it.

6. Look for instances where the "curtain" in Ralph's mind is mentioned. Consider the context and implications of this term to understand its meaning.

7. Find the part of the chapter where Ralph believes he hears the beast. Observe the events leading up to it and the revelation of what it truly is.

8. Search for the section where the tribe of savages steals something from Ralph's tribe. Look for any description or dialogue that explains what is stolen.

9. Identify the passage where Ralph and Eric's fight is mentioned. Pay attention to the context, the reasons behind the fight, and the identities of the individuals involved.

10. Look for a section where Piggy explains Simon's death. Pay attention to the reasoning and justifications he provides for his explanation.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the answers to each question in Chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies.