This character represents how power can create a good-hearted, rule-following leader.


lord of flies


The character that represents how power can create a good-hearted, rule-following leader in "Lord of the Flies" is Ralph. Here are the steps that show how Ralph embodies this idea:

1. Ralph is elected as the leader of the group of boys on the island, showing that he possesses the qualities that his peers consider essential in a leader.
2. As the leader, Ralph prioritizes the well-being of the group and focuses on establishing rules and order to maintain peace and organization.
3. Ralph believes in the importance of building shelters and keeping the signal fire lit, ensuring the safety and rescue of everyone on the island.
4. He consistently advocates for the maintenance of civilization and encourages the boys to follow rules like taking turns speaking during assemblies and respecting the conch shell, which symbolizes authority and order.
5. Despite facing challenges to his leadership, such as Jack's rebellious behavior and the lure of savagery, Ralph remains committed to maintaining a civilized society.
6. On multiple occasions, Ralph demonstrates compassion and empathy, such as when he helps the younger boys and encourages them to express their fears and concerns.
7. Ralph's intentions and actions reflect his good-hearted nature, as he strives to protect and guide the boys, even when it means confronting his fears and making difficult decisions.

By consistently exhibiting these qualities, Ralph illustrates how power can be used by a good-hearted, rule-following leader to promote the well-being and order of the group.