A student spends 37.5% of her money on food, 28.75% on rent and 15% on books. What percentage of her money is left to spend on other things?

100 - (37.5+28.75+15) = 18.75

To find the percentage of money left to spend on other things, we need to subtract the percentages spent on food, rent, and books from 100%.

Let's calculate it step-by-step:

1. Calculate the sum of percentages spent on food, rent, and books:
37.5% + 28.75% + 15% = 81.25%

2. Subtract the sum from 100% to find the percentage left to spend on other things:
100% - 81.25% = 18.75%

So, the student has 18.75% of her money left to spend on other things.

To find out what percentage of her money is left to spend on other things, we need to subtract the percentages spent on food, rent, and books from the total percentage (100%).

To calculate the percentage of her money spent on food, we multiply her total money by 37.5% (or 0.375).

To calculate the percentage of her money spent on rent, we multiply her total money by 28.75% (or 0.2875).

To calculate the percentage of her money spent on books, we multiply her total money by 15% (or 0.15).

Let's say her total money is $100.

Percentage spent on food = 0.375 * $100 = $37.50
Percentage spent on rent = 0.2875 * $100 = $28.75
Percentage spent on books = 0.15 * $100 = $15.00

Now, to calculate the percentage of her money left to spend on other things, we subtract the sum of the money spent on food, rent, and books from the total money.

Percentage left to spend = 100% - (37.5% + 28.75% + 15%) = 100% - 81.25% = 18.75%

Therefore, the student has 18.75% of her money left to spend on other things.