Mukasa spends 1/4 of her salary on food, 2/5 of the remainder on rent and saves shs.54000. How much is her salary?

her salary --- x

after food she has left 3/4 x
spends 2/5 of that on rent leaving her with (3/5)(3x/4) = (9/20)x
9x/20 = 54000
x = 120000

spent on food: (1/4) of 120000 = 30000
leaving her with 90000
spends 2/5 of 90000 or 36000 on rent, leaving
her with 90000-36000 = 54000 for savings

Let's assume Mukasa's salary is represented by the variable "x".

Mukasa spends 1/4 of her salary on food, which is (1/4) * x.

The remainder of her salary after spending on food is x - (1/4) * x.

Mukasa then spends 2/5 of the remainder on rent, which is (2/5) * (x - (1/4) * x).

After spending on food and rent, Mukasa saves shs.54000. Therefore, we have the equation:

(2/5) * (x - (1/4) * x) = 54000.

To find x, let's solve the equation step-by-step:

(2/5) * (x - (1/4) * x) = 54000
Multiplying both sides of the equation by 5/2:
x - (1/4) * x = 54000 * (5/2)
Simplifying the right side of the equation:
x - (1/4) * x = 135000

Combining like terms on the left side of the equation:
(3/4) * x = 135000

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3/4:
x = 135000 / (3/4)

Simplifying the right side of the equation:
x = 135000 * (4/3)

Calculating the value of x:
x = 180000

Therefore, Mukasa's salary is shs.180000.

To find Mukasa's salary, we need to work backwards from the amount she saves.

Let's assume her salary is x.

First, she spends 1/4 of her salary on food, so she has 3/4 of her salary remaining. This can be represented as (3/4)x.

Next, she spends 2/5 of the remaining amount on rent, leaving her with 3/5 of the remaining amount. This can be represented as (3/5)*(3/4)x.

Finally, we know that she saves shs.54000, so we can set up the equation: (3/5)*(3/4)x = 54000.

To solve for x, we can simplify the equation.

First, multiply the fractions: (3/5)*(3/4) = 9/20.

So the equation becomes: (9/20)x = 54000.

To isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 9/20, which is 20/9.

(20/9)*(9/20)x = (20/9)*54000.

Simplifying, we find: x = 120,000.

Therefore, Mukasa's salary is shs.120,000.