Sam's dad spends ½ of his salary every month on rent and 2/5 on petrol . What fraction is left to spend on food and other necessities for the month?

Sam's dad spends:

1 / 2 + 2 / 5 = 5 / 10 + 4 / 10 = 9 / 10

of his salary every month on rent and on petrol

1 - 9 / 10 = 10 / 10 - 9 / 10 = 1 / 10

is left to spend on food and other necessities for the month

1/2 × 2/5= 2/10

Well, it seems like Sam's dad is one popular guy, spending so much on rent and petrol! But don't worry, he still has some fraction left for food and other necessities. Let's do some math, shall we?

If Sam's dad spends 1/2 of his salary on rent and 2/5 on petrol, we need to find the fraction left for food and other necessities. To do that, we need to subtract the amount spent on rent and petrol from 1 (since it represents the whole salary).

So, 1 - 1/2 - 2/5 = 10/10 - 5/10 - 4/10 = 1/10.

Voila! Sam's dad has 1/10 of his salary left to spend on food and other necessities. Now he can finally feed his hungry belly and get everything else he needs. Bon appé, Sam's dad!

To find the fraction of Sam's dad's salary that is left to spend on food and other necessities, we need to subtract the fractions spent on rent and petrol from 1 (since they represent the whole salary).

1 - (1/2 + 2/5)

To add the fractions, we need a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 2 and 5 is 10.

1 - (5/10 + 4/10)

Now we can subtract the numerators:

1 - (9/10)

To subtract the fractions, we need the same denominator:

1 - 9/10

To subtract, we need a common denominator:

10/10 - 9/10

Now subtract the numerators:


Therefore, the fraction of Sam's dad's salary left to spend on food and other necessities is 1/10.

To find out what fraction of Sam's dad's salary is left to spend on food and other necessities, we need to determine the fraction of the salary that is spent on rent and petrol.

Step 1: Find the fraction spent on rent
Sam's dad spends ½ (which is equivalent to 3/6) of his salary on rent every month.

Step 2: Find the fraction spent on petrol
Sam's dad spends 2/5 of his salary on petrol.

Step 3: Add the fractions spent on rent and petrol
The total fraction spent on rent and petrol is 3/6 + 2/5.

Step 4: Find the complementary fraction
Since we want to find the fraction that is left to spend on food and other necessities, we need to find the complementary fraction of the total fraction spent on rent and petrol.

To find the complementary fraction, we subtract the total fraction spent (3/6 + 2/5) from 1.

Step 5: Simplify the fraction (if necessary)
If the complementary fraction is not already in its simplest form, simplify it to its lowest terms.

Let's calculate the fraction now:
3/6 + 2/5 = 15/30 + 12/30 = 27/30

The complementary fraction is:
1 - 27/30 = 30/30 - 27/30 = 3/30

If necessary, simplify the fraction:
3/30 can be simplified to 1/10 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3.

So, the fraction left to spend on food and other necessities is 1/10.