Which of the following could be true of the of 2 different species that compete in same Ecoy system.

A.One species preys in the other
B.The relationships is mutually benefited.
C.They share the same niche.
D.One species is benifited but the other is neither helped or harmed.

To determine which of the given options could be true of two different species that compete in the same ecosystem, let's analyze each option:

A) One species preys on the other: This scenario is possible in a competitive relationship, where one species acts as a predator and feeds on the other species. This could result in a negative impact on the prey species.

B) The relationship is mutually beneficial: This scenario is less likely in a competitive relationship. If two species compete for the same resources, such as food or habitat, it is more probable that they would have a negative or neutral relationship rather than a mutually beneficial one.

C) They share the same niche: This scenario is also unlikely. Species that occupy the same niche in an ecosystem generally have to compete with each other for limited resources. Over time, one species will likely outcompete the other, leading to niche differentiation to reduce competition.

D) One species is benefited, but the other is neither helped nor harmed: This scenario is called commensalism. It is possible for one species to benefit from the presence of another without providing any benefit or harm in return. While commensalism exists in nature, it is not representative of a direct competitive relationship.

Based on the analysis above, option A ("One species preys on the other") appears to be the most plausible scenario for two different species competing in the same ecosystem.