a football is to be played on saturday in new zealand (long 15 e) if the match is to be televised life at what, time should nigerian tune on their t.v set which the kinck off scheduled for 4:pm in new zealand

To determine the time for Nigerians to tune in to watch the football match in New Zealand, you need to consider the time difference between the two countries.

First, let's find out the time difference between Nigeria and New Zealand. Nigeria is in the West Africa Time zone (WAT), while New Zealand operates on New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) in summer months. With the given coordinates of "long 15 E" for Nigeria, it appears to be incorrect since Nigeria is located in the western part of Africa. So, I will assume it was a typo and assume the correct time zone for Nigeria is West Africa Time (WAT, UTC+1).

New Zealand has several time zones, but assuming you meant New Zealand Standard Time (NZST), which is UTC+12, we can calculate the time difference as follows:

NZST (UTC+12) - WAT (UTC+1) = 11 hours ahead

Therefore, New Zealand is 11 hours ahead of Nigeria.

The kickoff time for the match in New Zealand is 4:00 PM. To determine the corresponding time in Nigeria, add the time difference:

4:00 PM + 11 hours = 3:00 AM (next day)

Therefore, Nigerians should tune in to their TV sets at 3:00 AM (next day) to watch the live match from New Zealand.