1-"I saw a great many kindly acts done as we moved along," White would recall almost fondly. "The poor helped the rich, and the rich helped the poor (if anybody could be called rich at such a time) to get on with their loads. I heard of cartmen demanding one hundred and fifty dollars (in hand, of course) for carrying a single load. Very likely it was so, but those cases did not come under my own notice. It did come under my notice that some cartmen worked for whatever the sufferers felt able to pay, and one I knew worked with alacrity for nothing. It takes all sorts of people to make a great fire."

What evidence in this excerpt supports the theme that ordinary people can act heroically in difficult times?
A. Some cartmen tried to overcharge people who needed help.
B. People hurried away from the fire in large, chaotic groups.
C. Many people were unable to carry their belongings on their own.
D. Some cartmen helped others haul their belongs for little to no pay.

2-Which excerpt from The Great Fire is a counterexample of the theme that ordinary people act heroically in dangerous situations?
A. It did come under my notice that some cartmen worked for whatever the sufferers felt able to pay …
B. Claire and her family continued down the street when “a short, rough man grabbed at my bundle [but I] would not let it go …”
C. Father picked up Willy and was carrying him, while Mother held Charlotte and Robert by the hand.
D. White turned the wagon around and again headed south, his family and all of his servants safely onboard …

3-When the Waterworks burned down at around three in the morning, the pumping machines went dead, and the water supply to the city stopped. The men at the Tribune would do their best to stamp out and smother the burning embers that landed on the roof, but eventually, the fire won out. The shock felt by White and other citizens when they learned the Tribune was a gutted skeleton was captured perfectly by Charles Mackintosh. After describing at great length how solid and fireproof the Tribune Building was, Mackintosh paused and, with a sad sigh, he concluded, "That is, it was fireproof up to the date of its destruction."
Which statement best describes the theme of this paragraph?
A. The fire was so fierce that it destroyed everything in its path.
B. Certain buildings were spared because they were fireproof.
C. Some structures were spared by the fire because their owners were prepared.
D. Most people did not even try to stop the fire because it was so massive.

Claire and her father hurried off to join the rest of their family. Claire did not write about this second reunion or of the deep emotions she felt. But as she passed through the blackened landscape and came closer and closer to them, she must have felt much the way another fire victim, Mrs. Charles Forsberg, did: "When we lay down, away from the crowd, and I knew I had my [family] safe, I felt so rich — I have never in my life felt so rich!"
Which statement best reflects the theme of this excerpt?
A. People enjoy sharing information about emotional events.
B. Chaotic situations force people to forget about their loved ones.
C. People move so quickly that they miss what is going on around them.
D. Loved ones are more valuable than material possessions.

5-Which excerpt from The Great Fire supports the theme that nature is a powerful force that can be extremely destructive?
A. “At its fiercest, such a whirlwind could rip a roof off a house and pick up the building's contents.”
B. “The stronger winds, the ones people remembered the best, were probably caused by rising convective heat.”
C. “Chamberlin was too tired to fight his way across just then, so he crawled up onto one of the bridge's arched railings.”
D. “Claire Innes, Joseph Chamberlin . . . had . . . seen mass panic, crime, and acts of violence.”

One of the first business structures up and open was William Kerfoot's real estate office. The crudely painted sign on his shack could be seen as a guiding motto for the rest of the fire victims: "All gone but wife, children, and energy."

As the days crept by, more and more people shook off their despondency and began to rebuild their homes and businesses. The energy to start all over seemed to be catching.
Which theme about heroism does this excerpt reflect?
A. It is heroic to communicate to the masses by putting up a sign.
B. It is heroic to inspire others by being strong in the face of destruction.
C. It is heroic to give your belongings to others who are suffering.
D. It is heroic to inspire others by helping build homes for them.

Someone might be able to check YOUR answers if you post them.

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1- The evidence in this excerpt that supports the theme that ordinary people can act heroically in difficult times is D. Some cartmen helped others haul their belongs for little to no pay.

2- The excerpt from The Great Fire that is a counterexample of the theme that ordinary people act heroically in dangerous situations is D. White turned the wagon around and again headed south, his family and all of his servants safely onboard ...

3- The theme of this paragraph is B. Certain buildings were spared because they were fireproof.

4- The statement that best reflects the theme of this excerpt is D. Loved ones are more valuable than material possessions.

5- The excerpt from The Great Fire that supports the theme that nature is a powerful force that can be extremely destructive is A. “At its fiercest, such a whirlwind could rip a roof off a house and pick up the building's contents.”

6- The theme about heroism that this excerpt reflects is B. It is heroic to inspire others by being strong in the face of destruction.

1- The evidence in this excerpt that supports the theme that ordinary people can act heroically in difficult times is option D. Some cartmen helped others haul their belongings for little to no pay. This shows how ordinary people are willing to help each other during difficult times, even without expecting anything in return.

To find this answer, you would need to carefully read the excerpt and identify the actions and behaviors of the people described. Look for examples of people going above and beyond to assist others, particularly in challenging circumstances.

2- The excerpt from The Great Fire that is a counterexample of the theme that ordinary people act heroically in dangerous situations is option D. White turned the wagon around and again headed south, his family and all of his servants safely onboard.

This excerpt shows how White prioritizes the safety of his family and servants by leaving the dangerous situation rather than staying to help others or assist in the recovery efforts. This goes against the idea of ordinary people acting heroically in dangerous situations.

To identify this counterexample, you would need to read the different excerpts and evaluate the actions and motivations of the individuals described. Look for instances where individuals prioritize their own safety or personal interests over helping others.

3- The theme of this paragraph is option A. The fire was so fierce that it destroyed everything in its path.

This paragraph describes the Fireworks burning down and the water supply to the city stopping as a result. It also mentions the destruction of the Tribune Building, which was previously considered to be solid and fireproof. The paragraph focuses on the power and destructiveness of the fire, suggesting that it was so fierce that it destroyed everything it came into contact with.

To determine the theme of this paragraph, you would need to analyze the information provided and identify the main idea or message being conveyed. Look for recurring ideas or details that point towards a particular theme or concept.

4- The theme of this excerpt is option D. Loved ones are more valuable than material possessions.

The excerpt describes Claire and her father reuniting with the rest of their family after the fire. It mentions that Claire did not write about their emotions but suggests that she must have felt deep emotions during this reunion. The excerpt then quotes another fire victim who expresses how valuable her family is to her, emphasizing their importance above material possessions.

To determine the theme of this excerpt, you would need to carefully consider the emotions and sentiments expressed by the individuals described. Look for common ideas or messages related to the value of relationships and loved ones.

5- The excerpt from The Great Fire that supports the theme that nature is a powerful force that can be extremely destructive is option A. “At its fiercest, such a whirlwind could rip a roof off a house and pick up the building's contents.”

This excerpt describes the destructive power of a whirlwind during the fire, emphasizing how it could rip off roofs and pick up the contents of buildings. It underscores the idea that nature, specifically the strong winds, can cause immense destruction during such events.

To identify this excerpt supporting the theme, you would need to analyze the language used to describe the effects of the wind and its impact on the environment. Look for words and phrases that convey the power and destructive potential of nature.

6- The theme about heroism reflected in this excerpt is option B. It is heroic to inspire others by being strong in the face of destruction.

This excerpt describes how people shook off their despondency and began to rebuild their homes and businesses after the fire. It mentions a sign on William Kerfoot's real estate office that serves as a guiding motto, emphasizing the importance of energy and resilience in times of destruction. It suggests that inspiring others through strength and determination is a heroic act.

To determine the theme reflected in this excerpt, you would need to evaluate the actions and attitudes described and consider the broader message or lesson being conveyed. Look for examples of individuals displaying heroism or inspiring others through their actions or mindset.