What evidence supports the claim that the planters in the southern Carolina region could not make rice a profitable crop on their own?

A.Planters decided which fields to plant, what crops to grow, and when to harvest crops.
B.Planters hired white settlers to work in rice paddies to make a profit.
C.Planters had to be self-sufficient because plantations were so far from the coast.

D.Planters relied on the farming skills brought by the enslaved Africans from the rice-growing areas of West Africa.

My answer is C

can someone answer my question

Actually, the evidence that supports the claim that the planters in the southern Carolina region could not make rice a profitable crop on their own is option D: Planters relied on the farming skills brought by the enslaved Africans from the rice-growing areas of West Africa.

Rice cultivation requires specific knowledge and techniques, and the planters in the southern Carolina region did not possess this expertise. They relied on the knowledge and skills that the enslaved Africans brought with them from West Africa, where rice cultivation was already widely practiced. This reliance on enslaved Africans with knowledge of rice cultivation indicates that the planters themselves did not possess the necessary skills and expertise to make rice a profitable crop without assistance.

To determine which evidence supports the claim that the planters in the southern Carolina region could not make rice a profitable crop on their own, we can analyze each option provided:

A. Planters deciding which fields to plant, what crops to grow, and when to harvest crops does not directly support the claim that they could not make rice profitable on their own.

B. Planters hiring white settlers to work in rice paddies may suggest that they needed additional labor, but it does not specify that they could not make rice profitable without outside help.

C. The statement "planters had to be self-sufficient because plantations were so far from the coast" does not provide evidence that planters could not make rice profitable on their own. It only explains why they had to be self-sufficient.

D. Planters relying on the farming skills brought by the enslaved Africans from the rice-growing areas of West Africa suggests that they needed the expertise of these enslaved Africans to make rice profitable. This directly supports the claim that they could not achieve profitability without outside help.

Therefore, the correct answer would be D. Planters relied on the farming skills brought by the enslaved Africans from the rice-growing areas of West Africa.