What can you infer based on the location of the cities in the New England colonies? (2 points)

A.New England colonies’ economic activities included ship building, fishing and whaling.
B.Local governments encouraged the growth of democratic ideas in New England.
C.Coastal cities became important trading centers.
D.rocky soil in New England led to the farming multiple cash crops.

My answer is A and C

I agree.

A and c

A and c am I right

To infer based on the location of cities in the New England colonies, you can use historical knowledge and geographical analysis.

A. New England colonies' economic activities included shipbuilding, fishing, and whaling.
- This inference can be made based on the location of the cities in the New England colonies, which were located along the coastlines. Being close to the ocean would have made it easier for the colonists to engage in shipbuilding, fishing, and whaling industries.

C. Coastal cities became important trading centers.
- This inference can also be made based on the location of the cities along the coasts. Being situated near the ocean would have facilitated maritime trade and made coastal cities important trading centers.

Therefore, your answer of A and C is correct. The location of the cities in the New England colonies suggests that their economic activities revolved around shipbuilding, fishing, whaling, and that the coastal cities played a significant role as trading centers.