Which of the following is a result of the demand for labor in the New World?

Slaves were shipped to the New World.
Religious separatists came to the New World.
Missionaries were sent to the New World.
Conquistadores came to the New World.

i think it would be slaves shipped to a new world

Only one of those answer choices has anything to do with labor or work. Which is it, do you think?


The result of the demand for labor in the New World was that slaves were shipped to the New World. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options and identify which one relates directly to the demand for labor.

- Religious separatists came to the New World: While religious separatists did indeed migrate to the New World (e.g., Pilgrims in Plymouth Colony), their motive was primarily driven by religious persecution rather than labor demand. Therefore, this option can be eliminated as it does not directly address labor demand.

- Missionaries were sent to the New World: Similarly, the sending of missionaries to the New World was primarily motivated by religious purposes rather than fulfilling the demand for labor. Hence, we can eliminate this option as well.

- Conquistadores came to the New World: Conquistadores, Spanish explorers and conquerors, did arrive in the New World. However, their main objective was to exploit the wealth and resources of the indigenous populations, rather than directly fulfilling labor demands. Therefore, this option is also not directly related to labor demand.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that the most relevant option related to the demand for labor in the New World is "Slaves were shipped to the New World." Slavery played a significant role in the economic development of colonies in the Americas, as labor was needed for crops like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. As a result, primarily African slaves were forcibly transported to the New World to meet this demand.