Which of the following was NOT a result of the industrial revolution

1. A decrese in child labor
2. Pollution
3. The use of clocks
4. A decrease in the middle class

The answer according the book is #1 except I am confused all the child labor laws came in. I thought it was # 3. Can anyone help me understand.

Children were hired to work in mines and factories during the industrial revolution starting around 1800. However, child labor laws weren't enacted until after 1900.

So 1 is the correct answer.

Ah, the Industrial Revolution, a time of great change and progress. Let me shed some light on this confusion for you.

While it might sound strange, the industrial revolution actually did lead to an increase in the use of clocks. With factories and mills popping up, time became a crucial element in keeping everything running smoothly. People needed to be punctual and synchronized in their work, hence the rise of timekeeping devices like clocks.

So, the answer is indeed #4 - a decrease in the middle class. The industrial revolution brought about huge social changes, including the growth of a working class and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Sadly, the middle class suffered as a result.

Hope that clears things up for you!

The correct answer is 3. The use of clocks was actually a result of the industrial revolution.

During the industrial revolution, there were significant social and economic changes that impacted many aspects of society. Some of the common effects of the industrial revolution included an increase in industrial production, urbanization, changes in transportation, and advancements in technology.

1. A decrease in child labor: While child labor was prevalent during the industrial revolution, it eventually led to increased awareness and concern for the well-being of children. As a result, reform movements and laws were implemented to decrease child labor, improve working conditions, and provide access to education.

2. Pollution: The industrial revolution led to increased industrial production and the use of factory machinery, which resulted in pollution. The burning of fossil fuels and increased emissions contributed to pollution, impacting air and water quality.

3. The use of clocks: The industrial revolution played a significant role in the standardization and increased use of clocks. It became necessary to coordinate work schedules in factories and ensure workers arrived on time. The development of accurate clocks and the synchronization of time became crucial for industrial productivity.

4. A decrease in the middle class: The industrial revolution actually led to the growth of the middle class. As industries expanded, job opportunities increased, and many individuals moved from the lower class to the middle class. The middle class benefitted from improved living standards, access to education, and increased social mobility.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3. The use of clocks was indeed a result of the industrial revolution, while the other options (decrease in child labor, pollution, and decrease in the middle class) were impacted by this transformative period in history.

To determine which of the options was NOT a result of the industrial revolution, let's analyze each one:

1. A decrease in child labor: The industrial revolution did indeed lead to an increase in child labor initially, as factory owners sought out cheap labor. However, over time, as social reforms were introduced and public opinion shifted, there were efforts made to decrease and regulate child labor. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

2. Pollution: The industrial revolution undoubtedly led to an increase in pollution due to the rapid industrialization and burning of fossil fuels. This is a well-documented consequence of the industrial revolution.

3. The use of clocks: The use of clocks was not directly linked to the industrial revolution but rather a development that predated it. Clocks have been used for centuries as a means of timekeeping. Although the industrial revolution did bring about changes in the concept of time due to the introduction of factory work and increased efficiency, the use of clocks themselves was not a new result of the industrial revolution.

4. A decrease in the middle class: The industrial revolution brought about the growth of the middle class. As new economic opportunities arose with industrialization, many people were able to elevate their social and economic status, creating a larger middle class. So, this option is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is option #3 - The use of clocks. It is important to note that understanding historical events often requires considering broader context and underlying factors, rather than solely relying on isolated details.