Which best describes society's view of boys’ and girls’ abilities during the period in which Elizabeth Cady Stanton lived?

A. The abilities of boys are equal to those of girls.
B.The abilities of boys are lesser than those of girls.
C. The abilities of boys are better than those of girls.
D. The abilities of boys have no relationship to those of girls.

PLEASE HELP!! I’m stuck😭

its C i took the test on connexus

Why boys should cook

To determine the best answer to this question, we need to understand the societal views during the period in which Elizabeth Cady Stanton lived. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American social activist and leader of the women's suffrage movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this time, society held patriarchal beliefs, which generally assigned superiority and privilege to men while subjugating women.

Given this historical context, option C, "The abilities of boys are better than those of girls," aligns with the prevailing societal view during Elizabeth Cady Stanton's era. In the 19th century, girls and women were often considered intellectually and physically inferior to their male counterparts. These societal beliefs limited opportunities for women and perpetuated the idea of male superiority.

To reach this answer, it is necessary to understand the historical context and the prevailing norms and beliefs during that time period. By examining the broader cultural and social factors, we can make an informed inference about the society's view of boys' and girls' abilities.

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