From 45ft to 92ft percentage change

change= (92-45)/45= then multiply by 100 to get percent.

92/45 * 100% = 204.4 %.

204.4-100 = 104.4% change.

To calculate the percentage change from 45ft to 92ft, you can use the formula:

Percentage Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

In this case, the Old Value is 45ft and the New Value is 92ft. Let's plug in the values into the formula:

Percentage Change = ((92 - 45) / 45) * 100

Simplifying the equation:

Percentage Change = (47 / 45) * 100

Now divide 47 by 45 and multiply the result by 100:

Percentage Change ≈ 104.44%

Therefore, the percentage change from 45ft to 92ft is approximately 104.44%.