The population of Town A was 12,979 people in 2010. When measured again in 2020, the population was 18,560. What was the percent of change in population to the nearest whole percentage point?

percent of change = new value − old value/old value×100 (1 point)

43% increase
43% increase

57% increase
57% increase

68% increase
68% increase

75% increase

To calculate the percent of change, we use the formula:

Percent of change = (new value - old value) / old value * 100

Plugging in the given values, we have:

Percent of change = (18,560 - 12,979) / 12,979 * 100
Percent of change = 5,581 / 12,979 * 100
Percent of change ≈ 43%

Therefore, the percent of change in population is approximately 43% increase.