On which longitude is town X if its local time is 5:00am when it is 1:00pm in Greenwich meridian

To determine the longitude of town X, we need to calculate the time difference between the local time and the time in the Greenwich Meridian. Since we know that the local time in town X is 5:00 am and it is 1:00 pm in the Greenwich Meridian, there is a time difference of 8 hours between the two.

To convert the time difference into a longitude value, we need to consider that each hour represents 15 degrees of longitude. Therefore, we can divide the time difference by the conversion factor of 15 to find the corresponding longitude.

In this case, the time difference is 8 hours. So, we can divide 8 by 15:

8 hours / 15 degrees = 0.5333 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of town X is approximately 0.5333 degrees east of the Greenwich Meridian.

Please note that this calculation assumes a perfect 1-hour time zone difference for each 15 degrees of longitude, which may not always be the case due to factors such as daylight saving time adjustments and political boundaries.