1. Use the following scenario to answer questions 3-5. In archery class, Jocelyn missed the target 5 times in 40 shots. in her next 160 shots, how many times would you expect Jocelyn to miss the target?

2. Use the following scenario to answer questions 3-5. In archery class, Jocelyn missed the target 5 times in 40 shots. In her next 160 shots, how many times would you expect Jocelyn to miss the target?

5 / 40 = x / 160

four times as many shots probably means four times as many misses

She missed 5 shots out of 40 shots. So, that means for every 40 shots, we would expect her to miss 5 of them. In other words, if she tries x times, we predict she will miss x*(5/40) times, because we are counting the groups of 40, and saying that every group of 40 means 5 shots were missed.

so whats the answer?

You should be able to figure the answer out from what we have told you. We are not here to give you the answer, but to help you figure out how to do it. If you still don't understand how to do it, tell us what part is confusing.

To answer this question, we can use the concept of proportionality. We know that in 40 shots, Jocelyn missed the target 5 times. This means that the ratio of shots missed to total shots is 5:40.

To find out how many times Jocelyn would miss the target in the next 160 shots, we can set up a proportion using this information. We can say that the ratio of shots missed to total shots remains the same:

5/40 = x/160

To solve this proportion for x, we can cross-multiply:

40x = 5 * 160

40x = 800

Now, to isolate x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 40:

x = 800/40

x = 20

Therefore, we would expect Jocelyn to miss the target 20 times in her next 160 shots.