What is the solid remaining when lithium trioxonitrate5,potassium trioxonitrate5 and calcium trio

xonitrate5 are heated
Equation of reaction when calcium oxide and coke are heated in an electric furnace

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To determine the solid that remains when lithium trioxonitrate(V), potassium trioxonitrate(V), and calcium trioxonitrate(V) are heated, we need to examine the chemical formulas and properties of the compounds.

The formulas for the given compounds are:

- Lithium trioxonitrate(V): LiNO3
- Potassium trioxonitrate(V): KNO3
- Calcium trioxonitrate(V): Ca(NO3)2

When these compounds are heated, they undergo decomposition reactions where they break down into simpler compounds or elements. In this case, the trioxonitrate(V) groups (NO3) will decompose, releasing oxygen gas (O2) and forming nitrate compounds.

- Lithium trioxonitrate(V) decomposition:
2 LiNO3 → 2 LiNO2 + O2

- Potassium trioxonitrate(V) decomposition:
2 KNO3 → 2 KNO2 + O2

- Calcium trioxonitrate(V) decomposition:
2 Ca(NO3)2 → 2 CaO + 4 NO2 + O2

As we can see, all three compounds release oxygen gas (O2) during decomposition. Therefore, the solid remaining after heating lithium trioxonitrate(V), potassium trioxonitrate(V), and calcium trioxonitrate(V) would be calcium oxide (CaO) since it does not release any gases.

Equation of reaction when calcium oxide and coke are heated in an electric furnace:
When calcium oxide (CaO) and coke (carbon) are heated in an electric furnace, they undergo a chemical reaction known as the "calcium oxide-carbon reaction" or "calcium carbide formation." The equation for the reaction is:

CaO + 3C → CaC2 + CO

In this reaction, calcium oxide reacts with carbon to form calcium carbide (CaC2) and carbon monoxide (CO) gas.