What type of figurative language is this? “ If you want my final opinion on the mystery of life and all that, I can give it to you in a nutshell. Do universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the combination is locked up in the safe.”

"like"....is a clue . A simile is a figure of speech that compares two separate concepts through the use of a clear connecting word such as “like” or “as.” Examples of simile are phrases such as “He was wily as a fox,” or “I slept like a log.”

The figurative language used in this passage is a metaphor. Specifically, the phrase "the universe is like a safe" is a metaphor. It compares the concept of the universe to a safe, emphasizing that there is a secret or hidden combination that needs to be discovered.

The figurative language used in the sentence is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as." In this case, the sentence compares the universe to a safe by saying "the universe is like a safe." The simile helps create a vivid image in the reader's mind to help convey the message more effectively.

To identify the type of figurative language, it's important to analyze the sentence and look for any comparisons made between two unrelated things. In this case, the comparison between the universe and a safe is an example of a simile.

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