Why is the atomic model and theory subject to change?

Because it's only a theory. If other information becomes available it could be changed.

Because there is still information that we don't know about atoms and info can change based on that. For example, a while ago, "there was news about a suspected Tetraneutron, a subatomic particle consisting of 4 neutrons clustered together, which defied our understanding of an atom and its constituents. So, clearly there is always something popping up for us to understand about atoms."

Thank you for these answers Snowflake and Dr. Bob! They're a great help since my brain loves going on vacation whenever I pick up a book, lol

No problem. My brain can be like that too sometimes :)

The atomic model and theory are subject to change because scientific understanding is constantly evolving. As new evidence is discovered and experimental techniques improve, scientists reassess and revise their theories to better explain the observations. Here are the key reasons why the atomic model and theory can change:

1. Advancements in technology: Scientific tools like microscopes, particle accelerators, and spectroscopes continually advance, allowing scientists to observe atomic-scale phenomena with greater precision. These technological developments can lead to new insights and discoveries, which may challenge or refine existing atomic models.

2. Experimental observations: Through experiments, scientists gather data and make observations about atomic behavior. If new experimental findings contradict the predictions of the current atomic model, it indicates a need for revision. These observations might come from a variety of scientific fields, including chemistry, physics, and biology.

3. Theoretical inconsistencies: Scientific models are built using a combination of observations, mathematical equations, and theoretical frameworks. When theoretical inconsistencies arise within the atomic model, scientists work to resolve these discrepancies by proposing modifications or alternative theories. This iterative process helps refine the understanding of atomic structure and behavior.

4. Paradigm shifts: Occasionally, new radical ideas or discoveries emerge that challenge the prevailing atomic model. These paradigm shifts can prompt scientists to rethink their existing theories and develop alternative explanations. For example, the transition from the classical atomic model to the quantum mechanical model involved a significant shift in our understanding of atoms.

5. Collaborative scientific inquiry: Science thrives on collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Scientists continuously communicate, share findings, and challenge each other's theories. By subjecting theories to peer review and scientific discourse, flaws can be identified, leading to refinement or even replacement of existing atomic models.

In summary, the atomic model and theory are subject to change because of technological advancements, experimental observations, theoretical inconsistencies, paradigm shifts, and collaborative scientific inquiry. As our knowledge and understanding of the universe expand, the atomic model will continue to evolve accordingly.