I really need help!!! I was out of school for a week because I was visiting my grandmother and I missed school I took vacation days and now I don’t know what to do!! I don’t know any of the material we were learning and I have a test!! Please help this is the info

Not knowing what's in your text, the best place we can suggest for you to learn the subject — geometry — is here:


Watch the videos, and learn lots.

Do you have anything else?


Go into the geometry section in the left column. There are various links here with explanations and help.

Go into the Geometry section here (at the top right).

Find the Geometry section in the left column.

I’ve looked through all those all day and it did not help me does anyone have anything else

Your very best source in information, of course, is your text and any study materials you’ve been given. Everything else is supplemental. Study your text! That’s where test questions come from!

I did my test and got a 84

I understand that you're feeling stressed about missing a week of school and having a test coming up. It can be challenging to catch up on missed material, but don't worry, I'm here to help you.

First, reach out to your teacher or classmates to explain your situation. Inform them that you were away visiting your grandmother and ask for any notes, handouts, or assignments that were covered during your absence. This will give you a starting point to gather the necessary information.

Next, create a study schedule to manage your time effectively. Break down the material you missed into smaller chunks and allocate specific time slots for each topic. This will help ensure that you cover everything before the test.

Now, try to find resources that can aid your understanding of the topics you missed. Look for textbooks, online articles, or educational videos that cover the same subjects. You can also consider using educational websites or apps that provide tutorials and explanations.

To solidify your understanding, actively engage with the material. Take notes while studying, create summaries or mind maps, and try to explain the concepts in your own words. Practice solving problems or answering questions related to the topics to reinforce your comprehension.

If possible, form study groups with your classmates or ask a friend if they can help you review the material. Explaining concepts to others can enhance your understanding and fill in any gaps in your knowledge.

Lastly, don't forget to take care of yourself during this process. Get enough rest, eat well, and take breaks when needed. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is important for effective learning and retention.

Remember, learning is a process, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. By being proactive and following these steps, you'll be in a better position to prepare for your test. Good luck!