is an important feature of civilization because it enables people to preserve information, codify laws, and record history.

Hello Goobers here are all the answers

Question 1) Farming
Question 2)B,D,E
Question 3)writting
Question 4) the development of bronze to make weapons
Question 5) A,D

These are the correct answers if u are in Connexions Academy
Macaroni with them chicken stripes UwU

its a drop down box thing

Stop with drama what's the answer

its writing

Do we trust him?

Writing is an important feature of civilization because it enables people to preserve information, codify laws, and record history. Writing allows for the permanent storage and transfer of knowledge, ideas, and experiences across generations. Without writing, information and laws would have to be transmitted orally, leading to a higher chance of inaccuracies and loss over time.

To understand why writing is important, consider the following steps:

1. Preserving Information: Writing provides a reliable method of recording information. By writing things down, people can document facts, events, observations, and discoveries. It ensures that knowledge is not lost and can be accessed and referenced in the future.

2. Codifying Laws: Writing allows for the creation and preservation of legal systems. Laws and regulations can be written down, making them official and providing a standardized set of rules that can be easily understood and enforced. It ensures consistency in how societies function and provides a reference for resolving disputes.

3. Recording History: Writing allows societies to record their past, preserving historical records and documenting cultural, societal, and technological advancements. Without writing, historical events would rely solely on oral traditions and would be subject to distortions and inaccuracies over time. Writing enables accurate historical accounts, which are crucial for understanding our past and learning from it.

Overall, writing plays a fundamental role in the development and progress of civilizations. It enables the spread of knowledge, the establishment of legal systems, and the preservation of historical records.

what is the answer

you need to to be nice writeteacher that was rude what you said you should be polite next time ok just saying don't get mad or anything.

Why do you keep posting these incomplete things?