How does law as a cultural practice connect river valley civilizations to classical civilizations

A The Minoan civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code.
B The Ancient Rome civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were imspired by Hammurabi's Code
C The Indus Valley civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were inspired by Hammuabi's Code
D The River valley civilizations created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code

The correct answer is:

B The Ancient Rome civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code

The connection between river valley civilizations and classical civilizations in terms of law as a cultural practice lies in the adoption and influence of Hammurabi's Code. Hammurabi was the ruler of Mesopotamia during the Babylonian Empire, which was a river valley civilization. His code consisted of a set of laws that established a standardized legal system.

The Laws of the Twelve Tables were a legal code created in ancient Rome, which was considered a classical civilization. These laws were based on Hammurabi's Code and were written on twelve bronze tablets. The Romans adopted and modified many aspects of Hammurabi's legal system to suit their own society.

Therefore, the connection is that the Romans, a classical civilization, were inspired by the legal practices of the river valley civilizations, specifically Hammurabi's Code, to create their own legal code known as the Laws of the Twelve Tables.

The correct answer is B. The Ancient Rome civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code. The Laws of the Twelve Tables were a set of laws that established basic rights and responsibilities for Roman citizens and paved the way for a more systematic approach to law and justice in Ancient Rome. Hammurabi's Code, on the other hand, was a set of laws created by the Babylonian king Hammurabi in the 18th century BCE. While the River Valley civilizations, such as the Minoan civilization and the Indus Valley civilization, had their own legal systems, they did not directly create the Laws of the Twelve Tables.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the connection between river valley civilizations and classical civilizations in terms of the development of law as a cultural practice.

The first step is to identify which ancient civilizations are considered river valley civilizations. These include the Mesopotamian civilizations in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley (such as Sumer, Akkad, and Babylon), the Egyptian civilization along the Nile river valley, the Harappan civilization in the Indus river valley, and the Shang and Zhou dynasties in the Yellow River valley.

Next, we need to consider the classical civilizations, which typically refer to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

Now, let's examine the answer options:

A) The Minoan civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code.

The Minoan civilization is associated with the island of Crete and was not considered a river valley civilization. Additionally, the Laws of the Twelve Tables were actually created by the Ancient Romans, not the Minoans. Therefore, Option A is incorrect.

B) The Ancient Rome civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code.

The Ancient Roman civilization is indeed a classical civilization. They developed the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which were a set of laws codifying Roman civil rights and procedures. However, the connection to river valley civilizations is not directly mentioned in this option. Therefore, Option B is potentially incorrect.

C) The Indus Valley civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code.

The Indus Valley civilization is one of the river valley civilizations, specifically referring to the ancient civilization in the Indus river valley in South Asia (present-day Pakistan and northwest India). However, there is no historical evidence or documentation that associates the Indus Valley civilization with the creation of the Laws of the Twelve Tables. Therefore, Option C is incorrect.

D) The River valley civilizations created the Laws of the Twelve Tables which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code.

This is a general and vague answer option that does not specify any particular river valley civilization. It also does not provide any specific evidence connecting river valley civilizations to the Laws of the Twelve Tables. Therefore, Option D is incorrect.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer would be Option B: The Ancient Rome civilization created the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which were inspired by Hammurabi's Code. This option correctly identifies the classical civilization of Ancient Rome as the creator of the Laws of the Twelve Tables. However, it does not explicitly mention any direct connection to river valley civilizations.